Wondering How to Improve your IELTS Writing Score? Read This!

Dear test takers.

Are you struggling to get a Band 6.5 or even 7 on the IELTS Writing tasks while you have always been stuck in a Band 6 or below?

Have you been wondering “What did I do wrong? I always kept practicing!”?

Then, let us ask these questions:

  1. Have you fully maximized the potential of model texts? (“What are model texts anyway?“ – you might wonder)
  2. Did you get feedback during your practice?
  3. Have you fully used the public descriptor efficiently while evaluating your own work?

If you haven’t, worry not. We’ve got you covered!

In order to help test takers get their desired IELTS Writing task results, we have made some necessary adjustments to offer the best online learning experience to meet this demand during these unprecedented times:

    1. Learning using model texts

    At UPI Language Center, we use model texts, modified sample IELTS writing answers, when we introduce the principles and strategies. We start by introducing the general structure and the purpose of the text. These elements are crucial as they help to achieve better coherence and goal of the tasks – one of the most overlooked yet important aspects in doing IELTS writing tests. Of course, we don’t forget about grammar and vocabulary too. We can observe how language is used while practicing new sentences. Killing two birds with one stone, right?


    Pic.1. The teacher was explaining about the structure of ‘introductory paragraph in IELTS Writing Task 2’

    1. Getting better with extensive feedback (according to the public band descriptor)

    Have you ever heard this advice: “You must use advanced or rarely-used words to make you automatically get band 7”? or other related myths that sell you dreams of achieving a perfect IELTS score without making much effort?

    The bad news is that there is no shortcut for getting a good score in IELTS Writing tasks as it is related to how much we practice writing and how much we read.

    The good news is that we can make practice doable and meaningful for you. 

    We believe in “practice makes perfect” but we put our greater faith in “practice, accompanied by feedback, makes perfect”. Our practice is divided into two categories: ‘guided practice’ and ‘practice tests’. In ‘Guided Practice’, you will be given some guiding questions and handy expression to use in your writing. You will have ‘Practice Test’ as well where you will have a simulation session that help you familiarize with the real-test atmosphere. At the end of these two practices, we will provide feedback for you. How do we do that?

    We will examine whether your writing has reached the desired ‘task achievement’ and ‘coherence and cohesion’ (unlock this skill once you enroll in our courses) along with correcting your word choice and grammar. All of these assessments are based on the public band descriptors and we will give your prediction score too. Overall, you will get your writing revised, graded, and commented on what you have to improve in the next practice.


    Pic.2 The students were practicing using Google Docs (and were given the feedback afterwards)

    Still considering?

    If you want to be like our students who have achieved their dream to study or work abroad, click this link https://tinyurl.com/waitinglistBBUPI and secure your seat.

    Looking forward to meeting you in our class.

    [Nindya Soraya Dharma]

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