Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa lnggris (MGMP Bahasa lnggris) or English Teacher Working Group has important role in the English teacher development and quality improvement program in Indonesia. Therefore, an active engagement with this group is of strategic importance for any party who works in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT).  

As part of its community service program, UPI Language Center has, in a number of occasions, collaborated with the group to tap and listen to the actual problems the group members have in the teaching of English to junior and senior high school students and share with them what we know about the best practices in English language teaching. The responses we receive from the teachers about the sharing program has been very positive. Most of the teachers involved in the program claimed that the program had helped them improve their teaching and material development skills – a fact that has encouraged us to work more with them.

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