Writing for Publication (WfP) Coaching

Hi Academics!
Mau ngulik ins and outs publikasi di jurnal ilmiah serta tips menyiapkan artikel yang “publishable” dengan para reviewer jurnal?

CONAPLIN15 mengajak Teman-teman sekalian untuk mengikuti coaching menulis akademik berjudul: “WRITING FOR PUBLICATION (WfP) COACHING”

Don’t forget to save the date:

Tanggal : Rabu, 31 Agustus 2022
Waktu    : 08.00 – 12.30 WIB
Acara     : Daring melalui Zoom meeting
Fee         : IDR 100.000 (untuk semua sesi)

Acara ini open for public, lho. Segera daftarkan diri dengan link: https://bit.ly/3AdJlQD

Ajak rekan-rekanmu untuk mendaftarkan diri juga yaa.

Don’t miss it and see you there!


CONAPLIN15 proudly presents Writing for Publication (WfP) Coaching.

WfP Coaching is open for everyone who wants to prepare their manuscripts to be publishable in the target publication outlet.

WfP Coaching will be held online on August 31, 2022 via ZOOM meeting

Registration Fee:
IDR 100.000,- (All payments are made to CONAPLIN’s Virtual Account)

All the participants will get the following benefits:
1. 4 sessions of coaching (50 minutes/session);
2. Free consultation that will be conducted in a flexible manner;
3. The certificate.

Let’s join us and register now: https://bit.ly/3AdJlQD

Contact person:
0813-1637-0750 (Ratu)

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