Road Maps

UPI Language Center

Present Condition And Future Plans 




2010-2011 One-stop Language Services Able to cater all language services as requested by customers such language training, language testing, translating, consulting, and publishing Checked and achieved.

Eight years ago one-stop language service was our goal. Today, it’s a reality.

2011-2012 Research-based Language Services Able to produce quality academic works supporting language services such as textbooks, workbooks, proceedings, research-based papers, audio-visual materials, and related software. Checked and achieved.

Seven years ago, producing quality academic works supporting language services was a goal. Today it’s a reality. Not only has our IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics) been accredited nationally, it even ranks first in the country.

2012-2013 Centre of Excellence in Language Services Able to serve both local, national and international customers with annual increase of 15%

Able to be the top 5 language centres in Indonesia

Checked and achieved.

Five years ago 15% annual increase in the number of national and international clients was a goal. For the past five years, it has been a reality. The increase is steady and the 15% mark has been surpassed again and again.

2013-2014 Top Language Centre in Indonesia Able to lead the country in the development and practice of Language Services

Able to be the top 2 language Centres in Indonesia

There hasn’t been any independent survey to  confirm whether we have achieved this goal. But we are quite confident we are about on the mark here.
2014-2015 Respected Language Centre in ASEAN Able to provide language services for clients coming from all over the world

Able to become one of the respected language Centres in ASEAN

As in point 4 above, it’s not easy to independently confirm if we are one of the most respected

language centers in ASEAN. But with our clients coming from all parts of the world, we are quite confident that, even if we have not achieved it, we are on the right track to achieving it.



  • To maintain the quality of our services and our competitive edge, we have devised a five-year quality road map and short term action plan.
  • For 2015-2020 we plan to continue working to improve the implementation of the goals that we have achieved and make the extra efforts to achieve those that we have not achieved.
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