TPDA (Tes Potensi Dasar Akademis – Test of Basic Academic Potential)

TPDA (Tes Potensi Dasar Akademik), previously known as TKDA (Tes Kemampuan Dasar Akademik) is a test that measures an individual’s cognitive abilities needed to complete his/her and thrive in college or university studies. The 160 item test consists of Verbal, Numerical, and Figural parts given in 8 sub-tests. The Verbal part consists of Analogy, Logical Reasoning, and Analytical Reasoning. The Numerical Part consists of Arithmetic, Number Series, and Word Problem. The Figural Part consists of Figure Analysis and Synthesis and Spatial Reasoning. Score is reported in CEEB standard in the range of 200-800.

TPDA is the fist large-scale, computer-based cognitive ability test in Indonesia. To date, more that 50,000 people have taken this test. Developed with the newest standard of test development and usage of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), American Psychological Association (APA), and National Committee on Me assurement in Education (N CME ) and continuously researched and developed by a solid psychometric team, TPDA is currently is used as an authorized test for lecturer certification program (serdos) by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.

Further information about TPDA can be obtained at PLTI official website:

TPDA registration can be obtained here.

TOEP and TPDA converted score ranges can be downloaded here.

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